Structural analysis examples english
Structural analysis examples english

Poetry, like our experiences, is intrinsically abstract and intricate with its oblique language and inventive structure.

structural analysis examples english

Ramanujan, a Short Story of Khushwant Singh and a novel by Arundhati Roy have been taken as a text reference for the analysis. This paper attempts to establish that a structural analysis of a text can help in unfolding the hidden layers of semantic depth. Such an analysis would reveal the patterns that characterize the system that makes such texts and practices possible. Saussure said that language is "a system of pure values which are determined by nothing except the momentary arrangements of its terms." From the point of view of structuralism, all texts, all meaningful events and all signifying practices can be analyzed for their underlying structures. It is for the reason that both complement each other.

structural analysis examples english

Then again, while studying or scrutinizing language, one should consider literature as a reference for the way language is used.

structural analysis examples english

As the essential prerequisite in understanding literature, the foremost step is to be acquainted with the language used as the means of literary expression.

Structural analysis examples english