You can purchase a Surfshark VPN subscription using major credit cards, Amazon Pay, Google Pay, PayPal, and a variety of cryptocurrencies using either CoinGate or CoinPayments. Long-term plans absolutely save you money, but we recommend starting with the shortest possible subscription to make sure the VPN works for you, and only then move to a longer subscription plan if you decide you like the service. While that's a bit confusing, that annual renewal price is still quite a bit less than the $67.73 average for the VPNs we have reviewed.

A two-year plan costs $59.76 as well, but renews at that same price every year after the first two. An annual plan starts at $47.88 and renews the following year for $59.76. Like many VPNs, Surfshark VPN incentivizes long-term commitments with steep discounts. Best Hosted Endpoint Protection and Security Software.Then, use the subsequent guidelines to install Masscan. One of the quickest and shortest ways to have Masscan on your Linux computer is to download the source code and compile the software. To install the application, you can manually go to the Masscan download page using the Download Masscan link or use the command-line installation method that we used. There are no default ports to scan Masscan.Masscan only supports IP addresses and simple address scans, while Nmap supports DNS names too.Despite many compatibility advantages between Nmap and Masscan, there are still several contrasting issues worth knowing.This helps in translating user’s knowledge from Nmap to Masscan quickly. Nmap compatibility: Masscan was invented to create the tool’s usage and result similar to Nmap’s.Besides performing port scans, the tool is also improvised to offer a complete TCP connection to fetch basic banner info.This allows it to transmit up to 10 million packets per second. Scalability is another key feature of Masscan.The software is portable as it can also be installed in all the three major operating systems macOS, Linux, and Windows.In addition, have you been interested in learning how to perform a port scan in Linux? If yes, refer to How to do a port scan in Linux for greater comprehension. Masscan can be used for both defensive and offensive search functionalities. ‘Boot Repair’ for Ubuntu, Linux Mint, and elementary OS can fix Bootloader issues.